Devlog 2: Building Momentum

It's been almost two months since launch, what have we been up to at VidPlusPlus?

  • We've looked at 94+ reviews on youtube to find the best products and tools for youtube creators and now have 30 of them listed in our directory.
  • Set up a twitter and youtube account. (feel free to connect with us there 😅)
  • Made a cool logo!

logo for

Youtube Comments Explorer

But the BIGGEST thing we've been working on is a new tool to help youtubers understand their audience! It's still just a prototype, but right now it pulls in comments not just from your own videos, but from all the videos in your niche, so you can quickly see what your viewers (and potential viewers!) are talking and asking about. Right now you can also filter the comments by questions or opinions 🤘

screenshot of new tool

Coming Up

Our next step is to start reaching out to youtubers to explore if this tool is helpful for them, or what else we can build to help them "create epically" 😅 And of course we'll continue to fill out or library of video tools and reviews.

If you want to try out the Youtube Comments Explorer or have a different product you'd like to see reveiwed, don't hesitate to reach out